Diamond Legacy Society
A generosity of spirit, shining for generations
The Diamond Legacy Society recognizes and celebrates the generosity of friends and supporters who have made an estate, endowed or other planned gift to University Hospitals. Working with the UH Gift Planning Team and your advisors, there are many ways you can leave a meaningful legacy and make a difference.
You can become a member through one of more of the following gift options:
- Name UH as a beneficiary in your will or trust
- Establish a life-income gift with UH, such as a charitable gift annuity
- Create a charitable trust or other deferred gift arrangement naming UH as the beneficiary
- Establish a charitable lead trust that provides annual contributions to UH prior to distribution to our family
- Designate or transfer your life insurance policy or other financial assets, such as payable-on-death (POD) or transfer-on-death (TOD) accounts, to UH
- Designate retirement plan assets or make a direct distribution from your IRA to UH
- Establish an endowed position, lecture or named fund at UH
- Recommend a distribution of the remainder of your donor advised fund to UH or name UH as your successor advisor
- Gift the remainder interest in your home or farm to UH
When you complete your estate plans, please consider filling out our member profile form to let us know. To show our appreciation and gratitude, we welcome you into our Diamond Legacy Society.
Membership Benefits
Your membership involves no obligations but it does allow us to thank you and recognize you for the plans you have made, and it may inspire generosity in others.
Benefits of membership in the Diamond Legacy Society also include receiving UH publications, invitations to special events and recognition in our annual report.
The most important benefit you will receive from joining the Diamond Legacy Society is the satisfaction derived from making a lasting contribution to our long-term success. Join the many who are advancing the legacy of giving from generation to generation.